Uhive Marketplace Rules and Guidelines

Welcome to the Uhive NFT marketplace, where creators and their communities can share and monetize their content in a safe and fair environment. We are committed to protecting original creators and preventing the sale of copymints, or NFTs that aim to deceive users into thinking they are the original. To achieve this goal, we have established a set of guidelines that all users must follow when using our platform. These guidelines are designed to promote transparency, protect intellectual property, and ensure a positive experience for all participants.

  • Only upload original content: All NFTs uploaded to our platform must be original and not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Avoid copymints: Do not create NFTs that closely resemble existing collections or accounts. Pixel-for-pixel replicas flipped or rotated replicas, or any other replicas that deceive users will not be tolerated.
  • Be transparent: Provide accurate and complete information about the NFT, including its creation process, inspiration, and any relevant metadata.
  • Respect intellectual property: Do not use copyrighted material without permission or proper attribution. If you believe your copyright has been violated, please report to us.
  • Engage in fair pricing: Set a reasonable price for your NFT that reflects its value and avoids price manipulation or unfair practices.
  • Stay unique: Avoid using the same artwork to create more than one (1) NFT collection, even if this artwork is original.
  • Follow community standards: Refrain from engaging in any behavior that is harmful or disruptive to the community. This includes hate speech, harassment, or any other form of discriminatory behavior. (Learn more)
  • Comply with applicable laws: Follow all applicable laws and regulations when using our platform, including those related to intellectual property, privacy, and consumer protection.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a positive experience for all participants in our NFT marketplace. We reserve the right to remove any NFT or account that violates these guidelines and may take additional action as needed to maintain a safe and fair environment for all users.